Psychodynamic Therapy/Relational Therapy/Attachment Therapy

In psychodynamic therapy we aim to bring unconscious issues and conflicts to light, as well as examine how your past informs your present. The past is not the sole focus, but past experiences are held as important to your present perspectives. The insights gained from this process are important steps towards the changes that you seek, from the inside out.

Relational perspectives hold and understand that we make meaning of ourselves and the world through our relationships. Generally, healing is most profound when we are able to heal ways in which we have been wounded in relationship through relationship. As a relational therapist, I help you to become aware of and work through the patterns that have emerged out of the relational milieu of your life.

I also invite you to discuss anything that may arise within the therapeutic relationship itself. Many different kinds of feelings may surface, some of them based upon past experiences, fears, disappointments, hopes, and expectations. I make space for you to have these feelings to be known and worked through together.